Monday, June 26, 2006

An Opening Mumble

The Arts District in Edmonton, Alberta.
10:15 p.m., June 25, 2006

Welcome to the first posting of Midwest Mumblings, a general blog about life on the battlefields of parenthood, middle management and all things Middle America.

As many of my friends will tell you, I'm a late adapter of technology. And, as my best friend will tell you, I often use him as my beta tester for new technology. If it works for Blake, I'll think, perhaps I'll give it a try. Well, of course, Blake has been blogging for several years, so it stands to reason that I'm only now falling in line behind him.

However, what really pushed me into the blogosphere might have been the fact that my 62-year old father, author G.K. Wuori, recently launched his own blog, the Fancy Dancer Coachlight Company. If he can do it, maybe I should too. And, he wrote me in an e-mail one day, a blog could also be a helluva way to keep people updated on happenings with my children; a 2 1/2 year-old boy and a newborn girl.

Another deciding factor was sunshine--the incredible amount of sunshine found in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in the summer. If you've ever spent time in Edmonton in the summer, you'd know that it stays light until about 11 p.m., perfect time to sit in your hotel with your laptop and try to find something interesting to do. So it began, launching one night from a hotel in Edmonton during a six-day TV commercial shoot with our neighbors to the north. But, more about that later.

So, here it is. Check back often. Comment. Share. Keep me motivated to keep posting.


Blogger G.K.Wuori said...

Darn nice start. Your second post reminded me of the time years ago when I got a new radio and one of the warnings in the instructions said not to use it in the bathtub. Keep up the good work.

I'll try not to comment too often so as not to give the impression that the only one who reads your work is your father.

8:02 AM  

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