Saturday, June 27, 2009

T-Minus 105 Days and Counting. . .

It's been a good couple of days. Friday night, I did an easy mile warmup on the track at the Y and then hit the upper body weights pretty hard, holding off on the legs to save 'em for the long run on Saturday. Friday nights at the Y are great; it's always quiet and there's few people in the weight room.

Today, Jen and I did 10 miles with Mary, our good friend with whom we trained last year. We left from our house, went out about 3 miles, came back, grabbed some gel and Gatorade and did another 2 miles out and back. Temps were probably in the high 70s to low 80s but we did catch a break with lower humidity than we'd been having. Not good running conditions, by any means, but we'll have to get used to the heat again.

The run itself felt pretty good. I was a little sluggish for the first 3 miles, really felt great between 6 and 8 and then had heavy legs for the last two. This was the longest run I've had since the marathon last October and it felt good to hit double digits again. That will be my last reference to "that was the longest run since last October," since now every run will be. Nice.

Taking a rest day on Sunday and then will hit the weights again, or possibly swim, on Monday.


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