Saturday, February 03, 2007

It's Frickin' Freezin' in Here, Mr. Bigglesworth

Temps in the Midwest have plummeted the last few days and we've settled in for a long, quiet weekend inside. Super Bowl's set for tomorrow and, for those of us in northern Illinois, the frigid temps are a good excuse to stay inside and get ready for the big game. Go Chicago Bears!

Kids have been a little crazy lately but are still holding to the 50:1 rule that I outlined in an earlier blog posting. Been living in the Midwest 20 years now so I'm used to the nasty winters. However, kids in the winter bring a new definition to cabin fever. It's so much nicer in the summer to head outside and burn off a little energy when the kids are getting bored. Kind of hard to do that when it's -2 and snowy out.

We've been able to limit the TV viewing, for the most part, and are able to keep our 3 year-old occupied (our 8-month old is not an issue yet). He watches little regular TV to begin with, which is a good thing. We've kept him to movies, mostly. Our reasoning is that it's something we can control and we know exactly what he's watching. It's far better than parking him in front of the Cartoon Network and then having him bombarded by 10 minutes of commercials every 30 minutes.

Heard that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow yesterday, which means an early spring. Trust me, it can't come soon enough.


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