Monday, September 28, 2009

T-Minus 12 Days and Counting. . .

I’m all over the board with this post as we now duck under the two week mark until the big day.

I was back at it on Sunday after a week-long hiatus to rest my incredibly-sore hamstring. In the end, it was a weird injury in that I had high levels of pain attempting to walk up the stairs but never had pain going down the stairs or on the bike or even doing some light jogging. Odd.

Anyway, I did 5 miles in about 46 minutes, which was an easy 9:20 pace or so. Kept waiting for some kind of pain to appear but it never did. Had to shake off the cobwebs that come with not running for seven days but overall I felt really good. Jen had razzed me about not going too hard and, surprisingly, I heeded her advice and eased back into it. Looking back, I probably could have handled the 15 miles with her and Mary on Saturday but sometimes it’s better to play it safe, rather than risk further injury.

I’d done 45 minutes on the bike at the Y on Friday night and felt great during that ride as well. My level of cardio conditioning is such that that felt like a very easy workout even though my pace and cadence was high.

This is a critical point in the training as we taper to get our bodies ready for race day. This week we’re set for 3 x 1600 intervals, an 8-mile tempo run and then 10 miles on Saturday. Going to work in some cross training as well just to keep the legs fresh.


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