Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This I Believe

I believe these are in no particular order.

I believe a woman should control her own body.

I believe that our government has a fundamental responsibility to care for its most at-risk citizens, whether that’s through Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security.

I believe that the vast majority of people who benefit from those programs do so legitimately.

I believe health care is a fundamental human right and should not be denied to anyone based on an inability to pay.

I believe that too many people are more willing to spend their money on car repairs than they are on their own health care.

I believe in a strong military. There are bad people in the world who do bad things and they should be stopped.

I believe that the death penalty is ineffective, does not deter crime and is barbaric when practiced in the most advanced civilization in the history of the world.

I believe same-sex marriage is fine.

I believe that most people who are so upset about same-sex marriage should probably spend a little more time working on their own marriage.

I believe that a lot more happened on September 11, 2001, than we think.

I believe the government has used every day since September 11, 2001, to slowly erode our civil liberties and make us irrationally frightened.

I believe when given a choice between my civil liberties and a reduced risk of terrorism, I’ll take my civil liberties.

I believe not nearly enough Americans are concerned about that.

I believe that you can question your government and still love your country and be called a patriot.

I believe the phrase,”War on Terror,” is a linguistic device designed to keep Americans living in a constant state of fear.

I believe that’s precisely why the Bush Administration dubbed it the War on Terror.

I believe the War on Terror can never be “won” in the true sense of the word.

I believe that as long as humans exist, there will be terrorists.

I believe it’s been a long eight years.

I believe Barack Obama is the only candidate who can really change the way we do things in this country.

I believe I want a President to inspire me and move me to action.

I believe that too many people let their wants win out over their needs.

I believe that if you think you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it.

I believe that most professional athletes, CEOs and hedge fund managers are overpaid.

I believe that most police officers, firefighters, teachers and those in the military are underpaid.

I believe that most Americans don’t appreciate their right to vote.

I believe if they did we would have better people running for office.

I believe I’ve never seen American Idol, Survivor or Desperate Housewives.

I believe I’m doing just fine in spite of that.

I believe that too many parents don't take their responsibilities seriously enough.

I believe no one has ever regretted spending too much time with their children.

I believe you will never find an XBox, Wii, PlayStation or other video game system in our home.

I believe our children will turn out just fine in spite of that.

I believe you can never read too many books.

I believe we should all get outside more.

I believe in the runner’s high.

I believe in my wife’s laugh, my son’s smile and my daughter’s pig tails.

I believe that’s enough for now. . .

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

200,000 and Counting

Sometimes you have to celebrate the little things, too.

On my way to class last night, at about 4:48 p.m., C.S.T., on Illinois Route 38, our 1995 Honda Civic reached 200,000 miles. I noted the occasion by pulling off on a side road and taking the photo above. It takes some anal retentiveness, and a lot of preventative maintenance, to keep a car this long, so here’s what it took to get the Civic to that big day:

48 oil changes

4 sets of tires

2 timing belt/water pump replacements

4 brake jobs

5 valve adjustments

1 new radiator

6 sets of spark plugs

3 mufflers

3 stereos

A still-original clutch

And, approximately 5,715 gallons of gas (at 35 mpg)

Am I asking too much to think Alex or Kristen could drive this car someday?


On the other hand, it is a Honda. . .