Tuesday, September 29, 2009

T-Minus 11 Days and Counting. . .

Well, if today was an indication of the kind of shape I'm in, then this training has certainly worked its magic. I did my 3 x 1600 intervals and experienced the not-always-attainable negative splits, where your last intervals are faster than your first. Running from home on my usual out and back that involves a half mile down and then another up to the mile mark, I cranked out the first in 7:55, the second in 7:58 (running further south a half mile and then turning around) and the third all the way back in an unreal 7:24. Perceived effort for that last mile was well under what was indicative of the time and my recovery was quick as well. Was quite stunned at my time when I looked at my watch; a nice problem to have.

Couple of random thoughts:

*I'm feeling good right now about my conditioning but am a little concerned about how my feet, ankles and quads/hamstrings are going to hold up on race day. This time around I seem to be a little more beaten up physically, though I'm in better overall shape. I'm really going to try to schedule a massage for next week, as I think that will help loosen and limber me up for race day. Make no mistake, though. I fully expect to be downright trashed on Monday after the race.

*I've mentioned in another post that both Jen and I are a little burned out right now and are looking forward to being done with the marathon. One positive byproduct of that that's seemed to have crept up in the last couple of days is this; I'm not nearly as "nervous" about the race as I have been in years past. Part of that is experience; this is our fourth marathon and we have a good training plan, a good race weekend plan and we know what to expect. The other part is that I'm happy with my conditioning and know that I can complete the 26.2 miles. It's a nice place to be in but I'm still looking forward to being done, damn it!


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