Wednesday, July 08, 2009

T-Minus 94 Days and Counting. . .

After a day of rain that looked like it might wipe out our planned 7-mile jaunt, the skies cleared, temps were cool and we hit the road. Great thing too, 'cause I again had a little Kenyan thing going on tonight. Ripped through 7 miles in 62 minutes, clocking in around an 8:50 pace. Felt great and finished very strong.

One thing I'm noticing more and more is that I really don't start to feel comfortable now until about 2 or 3 miles into the run. Could be a little bit of an age thing; takes a while to get the engine warmed up and going at an optimal speed. Whatever it is, I've become more in touch with it and have better control now, knowing that it's going to take a while before I'm throttled up well and humming.

Day off tomorrow as we prepare for Friday night's 13 miles. Temps are supposed to heat up a bit so we'll see if that plays a role.


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